
RunnerTracker animated logo gif.

BikerTracker animated logo gif.

HikerTracker animated logo gif.
The Madison Mark

The Madison Mark apartments animated logo gif.
Metris Growth Partners

An animated logo for Metris Growth Partners, a consulting firm that
provides advisory, implementation and evaluation expertise in operations,
HR and finance to support the growth and compliance needs of CDIFs, CDCs,
Nonprofits and for-profits with community-based missions.
Lucid Legacy

An animated logo for Lucid Legacy, a family enterprise consulting
and executive coaching firm.
Class Biologically Clean (CBC)

An animated logo for CBC.

StopThink animated logo gif.

StopThink process animation.
Click Here.
Strategic Growth Group

Strategic Growth Group animated logo gif. (2006)
RHS Companies, Inc.

RHS Companies animated logo gif (2004).
Capital Growth Properties

Capital Growth Properties animated logo gif.
Van Mell Associates

A Mondrian animated gif for the index page
of a 2003 Van Mell Associates website.

HangNet animated logo gif (1997).


nofocus.com animated logo gif (1997).
Pinnacle Supply

Time Saver Pipe animated logo gif (2006).
Natural Ice

Natural Ice animated performance chart gif (2004).
Teel Plastics

Teel Plastics animated logo gif (1998).
Teel Plastics

Teel Plastics pultrusion process animation gif (1998).

An animation gif to promote a story about John Glen's
trip on the space shuttle Discovery in 1998 making him,
at age 77, the oldest person to fly in space.

An animation gif for AgeNet website showing, "Bridging The Distance"
between caregivers and aging adults.